Dark hole

Sumber gambar : https://wallpapercave.com/foggy-ocean-aesthetic-wallpapers

 Setiap orang memiliki dark holenya masing-masing

Yang mengikat dan menelan hingga dasar terdalam

Tak peduli seberapa banyak pencapaianmu,

That's dark hole will always coming again and again

And when it's coming again, 

Aku selalu bertanya ke diriku sendiri

Apakah aku lebay jika mengalami ini semua?

Apakah hanya aku yang mengalami hal seperti ini?

Atau, apakah ada yang juga sama mengalaminya?

Why i feel like nobody understand me?

not even my closest friends, my boyfriend, nor my family

That anxiety, that what people say as insecurity

will just always showed up like a popping candy in the middle of a peaceful night

It's suck to feel like this

To feel like you are not enough for yourself

That you always feel like a failure when nobody ever say it to yourself

That you always doubt other people whenever they praise your beauty and your talent

Why? Why i must have this feeling?

Kenapa aku tidak bisa menghempaskannya begitu saja setiap kali rasa ini muncul?



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